
The Tech Keeping Our Drivers Safe & Our Service Impeccable

Since adopting the MT Data system, Morrows Logistics has a regular means of delivering meaningful information to use for operational gains. The available and recorded data enables us to minimise risks and continuously improve our service offering to our customers.

How we track our trucks and your delivery

To determine where our fleet is at on their journey, our Logistics team can log in via a web portal to pull up a map of Victoria, which will then showcase the location of every one of our trucks on this map.

Most communications take place through the driver's tablet, which outlines the jobs for the day and any specific procedures to execute on a successful pickup or delivery.

The tablet provides visual and audio alerts and is a one-stop hub assisting with the following:

    • Job dispatch & sign-on glass
    • Safe Journey Plans (SJP)
    • Navigation & mapping
    • Electronic document management
    • Defect & incident reporting
    • Driver login & driver points
    • Fuel entry & more

    The majority of the fleet also features 3 cameras for added safety benefits, which can be used as references in the case of incidents or for reports.

    The benefits beyond tracking deliveries

    Aside from providing updates on location, delivery details and the receiver's signature, the GPS/In-Vehicle technology is extremely valuable for Fatigue Management. We place great importance on the safety and wellbeing of our drivers, and the MT Data helps keep everyone compliant and safe.

    Some of the safety compliance features include:

    • Providing drivers with audible speed limit alerts
    • Updates on approaching/exceeding scheduled rest time
    • Back to base alerts that monitor driver break times and rest compliance

    "Compliance is a crucial part of doing business, and we pride ourselves on ensuring our drivers are doing the right thing for their wellbeing and everyone else on the road," said Graeme Holt, Business Systems Analyst.

    The technology is simple to use, and after initial training, our drivers are using it proficiently within a couple of days.”

    For booking or more information, get in touch with us today!
